Duo Brotto-Milleret

Duo Brotto-Milleret There are 2 products.

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  •  “La Part des Anges” (the Angel’s Share) is a handcrafted, home-brewed album. Some of the tunes reflect their legacy as live musicians: much like a traditional belgian ale, malty and flavourful, these compositions are infused with a earthy repertoire of neo-traditional and occitan inspiration, swirling in the fumes of the folk Imaginarium from the...  “La Part des Anges” (the Angel’s Share) is a handcrafted, home-brewed album. Some of...

    10,00 €
    Online only
    In Stock
  • Also included in the collection are all the pieces from the Brotto-Milleret duo’s album “La part des Anges”.Compositions written individually or jointly by Cyrille or Stéphane, or arrangements of traditional music.This collection is not only for button accordionists.The pieces are presented in two formats:     - in the CD’s original key in the form of... Also included in the collection are all the pieces from the Brotto-Milleret duo’s album...

    23,70 €
    In Stock
Showing 1 - 2 of 2 items